


Successful Birth in Penn Medicine’s Uterus Transplantation for Uterine Factor Infertility Trial: Kathleen O’Neill, MD, MTR and Paige Porrett, MD, PhD

Kathleen O’Neill, MD, MTR and Dr. Paige Porrett, MD, PhD of Penn Medicine discuss the process taken at Penn Medicine to prepare for the birth of Benjamin Gobrecht, the first baby born as part of Penn Medicine’s Uterus Transplantation for Uterine Factor Infertility (UNTIL) trial.

Related Links:

Welcome, Baby Benjamin: Penn Medicine Birth Marks a Milestone in Uterus Transplant Clinical Trial
Baby Benjamin’s Story: First Baby Born in Penn Medicine’s Uterus Transplantation for Uterine Factor Infertility (UNTIL) Trial
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Dr. O’Neill’s physician profile
Dr. Porrett’s physician profile



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